Friday, June 24, 2011

Turns out running a candy bar company... harder than I thought.  We've missed two go to production deadlines for the website already and will likely only have about 10% of the candy bars needed to meet demand at the end of the month, yep 10%.  The problems?  Where to start?  Website bugs, vendors, pricing, personnel and transitions.  None of this is unexpected and our contingencies have kicked in as planned but it's frustrating for a person like me who likes to have things done yesterday.  I know, patience grasshopper, empires are not built in a day.  I guess the one plus of experiencing these problems now is that we are not wide (major local market visibility) yet so our mistakes are confined to a small subset of people who have already pledged patience.  I know the broader market will not be so forgiving, nor should they. 

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