Saturday, April 30, 2011

Thanks USPS!

Ever since January I've been concerned with what our shipping and handling process and pricing would look like for Phase 1.  Since all products will be available exclusively online S&H pricing is going to play a major part in whether consumers ultimately decide to purchase.  I scheduled sometime with a USPS employee and got some very good news this morning.

1.  As long as our package is less than 10 ounces we can ship anywhere in the continental US for a flat rate of $2.90.  Since I'm trying to keep the total cost (candy bar cost + S&H) to around $5 this is very good news.  Why $5?  Internally this is around the number where we think consumers are willing to take a flier on a new product.  In limited sample testing as we reached higher $6 and $7 price points willingness to try decreased in concert.

2.  My second concern was melting, especially in the warmer climes during the warmer months (I'm looking at you Tejas).  She said typically first class standard can get the package anywhere in 3-4 business days which should be fine for chocolate.  Writing "Heat Sensitive" on the package may help alert USPS personnel along the supply chain to take extra care but generally we should not expect problems with melting.

Pricing is a big part of our strategy.  Although our product is gourmet and produced with the same care in which your grandma prepares holiday desserts we wanted to compete, from the jump, with Snickers, Hershey's and Baby Ruth on price for a standard candy bar.  This S&H new allows us to do that!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

New Music: Fitz Edition

A friend who's a reader complains:

"Ay man this was supposed to be a blog about your startup!"

And pop culture and sports and anything else I feel like writing about. Don't forget you're reading my blog friend!

Here's some new music (I'm looking at you friend). Fitz and the Tantrums...act like you know...Skaggs is a bad girl!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Trading is useful for something

I figured out today that if I can continue trading at the clip I've been for the last few months I may be able to self-finance through Phase 1....I said maybe!!!  This is good news, but it will force me to be much more diligent about my research.  Fortunately oil etf's and stocks have pushed gains abnormally higher.  I'm thinking I'll stick with this sector through the summer.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Things that make you go hmmmm....

Today I had a really good meeting with a potential producer. They were incredibly professional, showed interest in the product, had done their homework on me (I'm looking at your Linkedin) and one of the bakers had experience making a similar product...can you say AWESOME!

I learned the hard way with skoobin (my book trading venture) and office-face (video resume) that it's important to get the right people in the right jobs from the beginning.  Firedrills exists at behemoths such as GE or Globodyne so you can expect with startups that they're par for the course, but one way to mitigate that is to have strong experienced resources in place, which is what this particular group of producers represents.

Another reasons I'm enamored with these producers is that the lead guy pinged me with questions and then offered up some candid criticism.  Typically when meeting with people who want your money they go out of their way to praise your product as not to upset you and their subsequent cash flow.  But like I said this guy was a pro, he hopped right in and in a way that was both frank and informative leveled some feedback that made me same hmmm!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Deep Fried Snickers....the fair has gone down under!

Check out the video!  The guy actually does a pretty good job...the action starts at around 5 minute mark.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Cakedy and Kobe!

Hey, but this is supposed to be a blog about Cakedy.  It is, but during the playoffs it's also about the LA Lakers and my main man K-Man Kobe Black Mamba Bean Bryant!  Maybe if I blog about him and the Lake Show enough during the playoffs he'll give us a free plug during their championship celebration!

Get it done tonight against the Hornets guys!

Monday, April 18, 2011

It's Cake-Dee People

I was talking with a potential PR Director for our launch today when she uttered my worst fear "How do you pronounce it?" Ugh. As an MBA with 600 level marketing courses I should've known better. The first rule of product development is the giving it a name that people can PRONOUNCE. My sister just two days earlier had referred to it as Cake-a-dee and the PR interview was the final straw. I'm working with our designer to create a logo that clearly shows the CAKE as a word with the dy trailing, hopefully that will make it easier for consumers.

I love the name and can definitely see it as a national brand...but I guess I've got to figure this small piece out first, that or get used to uttering the phrase "no it's CAKE-DEE!"

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Weekend Movie Review: Conspirator and Scream 4

Conspirator:  I'm a Civil War buff and huge fan of Lincoln so there wasn't a very high bar here, but if there was it would've met it.  The acting was first rate and to see the trial of Lincoln's conspirators recreated was pretty awesome (testifiers stood instead of sat in 1864).  I think in an effort to not inflame some moviegoers they didn't talk much about the root of the conspirators purpose in killing Lincoln.  Hollywood. 

Scream 4:   I'm pretty sure Wes Cravens just Punk'd me.  If not then and this cinematic presentation really is the 4th installment then I'm giving it a D.  It is the worst of the scream franchises.  Obviously 1 was awesome and 2 and 3 definitely held water.  This one was just gratuitous stabbings and really asks you to suspend belief.  If you're reading this and haven't seen it yet, wait for Netflix.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

...a friend indeed!

A successful entrepreneur counted as a friend is probably the biggest asset you can have, save capital, as an entrepreneur.  They have contacts and procedures down pat, but most importantly they have a tried and true map!  A map that has led them from where YOU currently are to where YOU want to be.

Whether that map be scribed in ppt or still banging around in their cranium, it exist and getting your hands on it should be of primary concern.  I learned today that a partner for a firm long since in my past has his own food and beverage company.  Nice!!!  I did great work for him and have kept in's hoping he's open to sharing the way to treasure island!

Monday, April 11, 2011

My Baby Takes the Morning Train

From work to work.  I've started four other business in my short 31 years, each with varying degrees of success.  While they were different in a multitude of ways (textbook trading to video resume) the single constant was starting work when I got off of work!  By that I mean working my 9-5 and then my 6-9 (sometimes 10, 11 or 12).  It was and is mentally and physically taxing to be sure, but the chance that it pops and I become the employer not the employee is always worth it!  Here's a list of what I've got on my plate tonight:

1.  Draft two contracts
2.  Review system requirements
3.  Meet with lawyer on a myriad of issues
4.  Find a new manufacturer (more on this later)
5.  Draft budget for Phase 2 operations.
6.  Meet w/ product developer

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Helper Profle: David Klein, The Candyman

The idea for the Cakedy candybar had been bouncing around in my head for a few months when I happened on an msn article about Roxy Klein a young candy apprentice in southern cal.  With a little research I found out her father, David Klein, was the inventor of Jelly Belly jelly beans - a pretty nice feather in your candyworld cap if you can get it.  On a whim I picked up the phone and dialed, getting Roxy on the line.  "Give me your number and I'll have someone get back to you." Was her retort.  Begrudgingly I forked over the number certain I'd never hear from David.  5 minutes later (I said 5) David is inside my head probing me with questions on the size, naming conventions, chocolate content and nougat flavor of a Cakedy candybar.

Needless to say David's been awesome.  His advice and guidance have been incredibly helpful in navigating the candyworld.  I definitely look forward to David's continued involvement as we take Cakedy from scrappy upstart to king of the candyworld!  Take a look at the trailer for David's documentary